Tag Archives: Florida home rental

should vacation rentals in west palm beach have a cleaning service

Vacation Rentals in West Palm Beach | Charging for a Cleaning Service

The concept of clean is relative. If you’re renting your home out, or you’re the one renting, you cannot ensure that the other party feels the same about keeping things neat and tidy as you. That’s why so many vacation rentals in West Palm Beach have an additional cleaning fee.

how much should I charge for a cleaning service in vacation rentals in west palm beach

What Justifies Hiring a Cleaning Service?

When renters are moving in and out, sometimes multiple times a week, cleaning gets laborious. Plus, rental cleaning is especially intense. From folding towels and tucking the corners of a toilet roll, it’s extremely detail-oriented. As someone renting out their home, you probably do not want to spend your free time scrubbing. That’s why so many people prefer to outsource a cleaning service and include it in the rental charge.

Approximately, How Much Should It Cost?

There are several factors that go into determining the cost of a cleaning service. Keep in mind, this is not the same as a personal cleaning service. First, how large is the vacation rental? Second, do they cover all the bases of cleaning? Some services may be willing to wash dishes by hand, others won’t. The best way to gauge how much a cleaning fee should be is by looking at previously listed rentals.

What About Damages and Repairs?

If a cleaning service also offers repair services, that is incredible! However, it’s unlikely. But, cleaning services are more likely to notice broken or less-than-pristine conditions. If you’re looking to hire a cleaning service, be sure to ask if they will report any damages so that it can be addressed accordingly.

Want to Find Your Dream Vacation Rentals in West Palm Beach?

Logan Realty knows the hottest spots in south Florida. Whether you’re looking for vacation rentals in West Palm Beach that offer seclusion, or want to be right on the beach, we can assist you. Contact us today!

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